It makes sense – employee morale affects your company’s success. Boosting employee morale should be at the top of the list for every company, especially during times of unpredictability. Now is the call for organizations and their leaders to step up and make a positive difference in their employee’s lives. We researched and tested some of the best ways to stay connected and boost employee morale in 2020.

Daily Companywide Updates

It’s important that companies stay connected and transparent during this shift in the way we work. In order for members of an organization to feel connected, they need to know what’s going on! Provide daily updates on the progress of your organization. Use this as an easy (and free!) tool to recognize employees, reiterate current goals, share departmental news, and more. Consider building in authentic daily updates from the leaders in your organization either in email or video form.

Motivate, Encourage, Support 

A huge factor when boosting morale is showing your employees that management and the organization trust them. Recognize them for their efforts and encourage them to be great! We all have lives outside of work and those lines have never been more blurred. Communicating with your staff that management understands is key to boosting morale and feeling engaged. Your people and culture are the drivers of your organization – build roads so they can be great. 

Send Gifts 

Send something big or small for holidays, birthdays/anniversaries, or individual and company achievements. Branded products with your company logo are a great way to say thanks as well as connect employees directly to your brand. This can easily be accomplished with a large or small budget – and will go a long way toward boosting your employee’s morale and loyalty! Need more ideas? We can help with that here

Implement a Rewards and Recognition Program

We like to consider ourselves a leader of engagement. Recognizing and rewarding your employees for a job well done does wonders for boosting employee morale. Keeping employees connected to one another does even more. Our tool helps companies accomplish both. 

Through the creation of custom online recognition tools, we work closely with our customers to build a reward and recognition site for your team that keeps them engaged. Allow employees to post what’s going on in their lives and watch their peers jump in to congratulate or thank them. Award coworkers with points and certificates that they can then use to shop in an online store with over 40,000 reward options! For a free 30 minute demo, email us [].

If you’re looking for ways to reward your employees, boost morale, and keep them engaged, contact us for more information!

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