Working from home has been on the rise for the past decade, and as technology has advanced, it has allowed more and more employees to move offsite. Smart companies are embracing the remote worker, saving money and reducing their overhead costs. And their employees are reportedly happier and more productive. 

Before the arrival of COVID-19, over seven million employees were already working remotely in the U.S., and its impact has only skyrocketed that number. As some companies prepare to reopen and send their employees back into the office, others, like Google and Facebook, have told their employees who can work remotely to continue to do so till 2021. Employees at Twitter will be spending a lot more time at home, and by a lot, we mean forever! Allowing some employees to remain permanently remote.

Will others follow in the footsteps of these tech giants and adopt a remote workforce? We’ll see. But, in the meantime, let’s take a closer look at some of the myths about working from home.

People aren’t productive at home  busted

BUSTED. This is by far the most common myth and impeding reason against a remote workforce. A report from Gallup found that remote workers can actually be 20 to 25 percent more productive than their onsite colleagues. Another study found that remote workers reported 77% greater productivity when working remotely and accomplished 30% MORE in less time.

There are too many distractions at home busted

BUSTED. Distractions are somewhat inevitable, whether it’s pets, kids, or partners who are also working from home, there are going to be some distractions. However, this shouldn’t discourage companies from a remote workforce. There are plenty of solutions to help minimize distractions. A few tips are to set and schedule your work time and communicate it to others in your household. Recruit your kids to help out with chores or taking care of pets, and if that isn’t an option, set aside specific times to take care of those responsibilities.

Remote employees aren’t nearly engaged as their counterparts in the office busted

BUSTED…well, maybe. Remote workers are actually more likely to be engaged IF they are spending the right amount of time away from the office. Gallup found that “optimal engagement… occurs when employees spend 60 to 80% of their time working off-site — or three to four days in a five-day workweek.” So, don’t shift your entire workforce to be remote 100% of the time just yet. 

Connecting with distant employees and team members can feel intimidating at times. However, there are plenty of tools and resources available to help connect your team. If you’re interested in creative ways to keep employees engaged like sending them Work from Home kits or products – Kickstart a project with us today! 

Contact us to see how implementing an engagement and recognition program can help bring your team even closer together.

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